December 13 2021

8 Ways Structured Cabling Can Benefit Your Business

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  • 956 days ago

In the modern corporate world, every business entity relies on a network of cables or cabling systems that facilitates its digital communications. Among these cabling systems, structured cabling happens to be a preferred choice of many companies. There are many benefits of structured cabling that compel companies to use it.

Let’s find out more about this type of cabling system and how it is benefitting companies across the globe:

What is Structured Cabling?

A structured cabling system is designed in an organized way to support a company’s telecommunication at a particular location. Also called an organized or modern cabling system, it is responsible for:

  • Connecting office premises with fiber optic broadband network
  • Transferring data between a company’s computer systems
  • Facilitating audiovisual equipment and communications

It basically supports the performance of a company’s cabling network and serves as a glue that binds all electronic devices, including phones and PCs, that are used within the premises. With a structured cabling system, the network becomes more versatile and reliable, suitable for every organization, whether big or small.

Benefits of Structured Cabling for Enterprises


1.  Future-ready

One of the major benefits of structured cabling is that it has the potential to make your business future-ready.

In this modern, cut-throat competition in the corporate world, every business needs to have an adaptable IT infrastructure which can respond quickly to the changes in the industry, And a structured cabling system can do exactly the same. It increases bandwidth, supports new applications, and makes the business’s infrastructure more flexible, ultimately making it ready to face future challenges. This is why many companies now contact an IT solutions company that specializes in installing a structured cabling system.

2.  Cost-effective

In today’s time and age, most companies are looking for ways to cut their expenses to sustain themselves in this competitive business world. Employing a structured cabling system can help in this regard. Although it requires a significant initial investment, it is, however, a one-time cost that is going to pay itself off eventually.

With a structured cabling system, there is less risk of downtime. Also, as stated above, there is a higher bandwidth. This not only facilitates business operations but also helps in boosting employees’ productivity, resulting in better output and more chances of lead generating.

In addition to that, there will be fewer costly upgrades and cabling issues with such a system in place. All these factors combined make it a very cost-effective system.

3.  Enhanced Flexibility

A structured cabling system makes a business premise more flexible as it can accommodate changes on the go. It reduces the installation or deployment time, which ensures optimum adaptability.

With such a system in place, incorporating additional devices into the system becomes quite easy. It eliminates the requirement of running a new long cable to connect the device to the server or switch. The device can be connected to the nearest cabling panel quite conveniently, thus, taking out all the hassles which were associated with traditional cabling systems.

Similarly, removing a device is also very convenient. All you have to do is to disconnect the device from the panel, and that’s it. There will be no more orphaned cables or other such issues.

4.  Tailored to Individual Needs

Next on the list of benefits of structured cabling is that it allows enhanced personalization. It is considered suitable for every type of business as it can be easily tailored to their needs. You just have to specify your requirements to Malco Technologies as we are known to offer professional structured cabling services and leave everything to us. Our team of experts will design the cabling system in a way that’s beneficial for your business and offers maximum value and output.

5.  Reduced Risk of Costly Downtime

Every minute when the internet is down in your office is going to cost you financially. Since everything is now dependent on the internet, including major business operations, your employees won’t be able to accomplish their tasks in such a scenario.

In most cases, this downtime is a result of poor and faulty cabling. Furthermore, unorganized cabling systems are more prone to malfunction, resulting in costly downtime. However, when you rely on a structured cabling system, there is a reduced risk of downtime. This is due to the fact that such a system features a uniform configuration. The cables and systems are clearly labeled. So, even if there’s an issue, it can be identified and fixed easily.

The uniform and consistent design of a structured cabling system also reduces the risk of downtime as it is less error-prone. This is one of the major benefits of structured cabling.

6.  A Simple Approach

A traditional cabling system can be quite complicated to manage. Even a minor error can take down the entire system and result in costly downtime. A structured cabling system, on the other hand, is more simple, thereby making it hassle-free to manage. It eliminates the requirement to have multiple wiring infrastructures.

7.  Supports Multiple Systems

One of the remarkable benefits of structured cabling is that such a system can support multiple systems and applications simultaneously without any major issues. Its utility can further be increased if you’re using high-quality fiber optics for this system. Make sure to get them from the best fiber optic cable suppliers in Dubai if you want to obtain the maximum benefits of structured cabling.

8.  An Organized Workplace

With traditional cabling systems, there are tangled nests of different phone cords, Ethernet and coaxial cables lying all over the workplace. This certainly doesn’t paint a very appealing picture of your business. However, when you opt for a structured cabling system, your business’s premises will become more organized. There will be no cables slithering along with the ceiling or hanging on the walls.

The Way Forward

In all, a structured cabling system can make your business organized, versatile, efficient and less prone to downtime. So, don’t wait any more time and get the best quality cabling solutions from Malco Technologies and obtain the maximum benefits of structured cabling.